One-to-One English classes
General information
One-to-One English classes can be combined with a General English course or taken on their own at our English school based in Clifton, Bristol.
Fully immerse yourself in the experience of being here in beautiful Bristol. 10 hours of dedicated One-to-One English classes, designed around your specified needs, are complemented by time in a group class with more general training.
Levels of One-to-One English tuition
- Beginner
- Elementary
- Pre-intermediate
- Low intermediate
- Mid-intermediate
- Upper-intermediate
- Lower advanced
- Upper advanced
- One-to-One packages
We discuss your aims before booking One-to-One English lessons and we do a detailed needs analysis to create a bespoke programme. The programme is regularly reviewed and all materials and homework are designed to suit your needs. We provide individual learning programme to help you achieve your goals.
Dates & Prices
As they are tailored to your requirements, private one-to-one lessons can take place at any time agreed with your teacher in advance.
Prices as as follows: £90 per hour, or £790 for 10 hours. See our Dates & Prices page for accommodation and other optional services
One-to-One Packages
Our bespoke One-to-One lessons cater to the needs of very busy people, allowing them to pack as much English as possible into the shortest time: an action-packed, accelerated learning experience.
Our Gold, Silver and Bronze packages* make the most of the time you are with us ensuring you speak English, interact with teachers and immerse yourself in the experience . Breaks & meals and social/cultural activities are included accompanied by a teacher. Experience the best of what Bristol and the South West have to offer.
Gold Package
- 10 hours of bespoke One-to-One classes
- Detailed analysis and a pre-course Skype interview
- 15-hour General English group class (optional)
- Coffee breaks with a teacher s
- 3 course lunch daily with a teacher
- 4 of your 6 evenings in Bristol you dine with a teacher
- 4 cultural or sporting events with a teacher. Examples:Theatre, Musical Event, Rugby/Football/Cricket
- One full-day excursion with a teacher. The full-day excursion is all about you, so we supply a list of possible events and you choose
- 6 nights’ accommodation in a 5* hotel
- Price: £4,752
Silver Package
- 10 hours of bespoke One-to-One English classes
- Detailed analysis and a pre-course Skype interview
- 15-hour General English group class (optional)
- Coffee breaks with a teacher
- 3 course lunch daily with a teacher
- 1 of your 6 evenings in Bristol you dine with a teacher
- 3 cultural or sporting events for you to enjoy with a teacher. Examples: Theatre, Musical Event, Rugby/Football/Cricket
- One full-day excursion with a teacher. The full-day excursion is all about you, so we supply a list of possible events and you choose
- 6 nights’ accommodation in a 3* hotel
- Price: £2,910.60
Bronze Package
- 10 hours of bespoke One-to-One classes
- Detailed analysis and a pre-course Skype interview
- 15-hour General English group class (optional)
- Coffee breaks are with a teacher
- 3 course lunch with a teacher on the day of your choice
- A cultural or sporting event for you to enjoy with a teacher. Examples: Theatre, Musical Event, Rugby/Football/Cricket
- 6 nights’ accommodation in homestay accommodation
- Price: £1,289